I can tell you from my experiences with this tour in the past that if you haven't been, you need to. Let me set the stage:
After a short drive with your family through the quaint little historic town of Ninety Six, you find yourself drawn to the torches to the left of the road, so you pull over, and park, wondering what could be going on at the historic site. You see a a line of people stretching out almost to where you parked, but notice that at the front of the line, there seem to be a couple of people that fell off of H.G. Wells' Time Machine a little early in the trip. There they stand in Revolutionary-Era attire, beckoning you forward.
You join the queue, and sooner than you can blink, realize that beyond the torchlight, there is nothing but a dull shimmer of a path in the moonlight, the fading light of the candles slowly receding into the woods... You are introduced to one of these lost time travelers, and informed that this is the person that will be leading you through the ordeal.
She tells you, "Along this path, you will learn the history of this place, of the town that you just rode through, and the men that fought and died for our freedom and independence." You turn to your family as she starts to turn away, advancing slowly into the encroaching darkness, the light of her candle picking out a strange silhouette off to the side of the path...
Well, maybe my version is a bit dramatized, but if you live in the area, I can promise you that this will be a night you enjoy, should you happen to be able to stop by, whether alone, with your family, or with a friend.
For all of the details, please see their page on the topic.
And, as always, thanks for reading.
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