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I do remember the wizard, hiding behind magic tricks, and technological advantages, scaring everyone with the big brother principle, yet inspiring them, and giving them something to believe in. In this way, America is like our lost group of tag-alongs, searching for the way back home. Each of us may want something unique, and each of us may find that we already have it later on, but we need someone to show us that it is there. Here's where politics come in.
America, once the thriving industrial center of the world. We once had more disposable income that most other countries. It was once shameful to accept anything that wasn't covered in sweat when it entered your palm. Now...
Now things are different.
We are currently in a decade where things don't look up. The market has crashed. The government has lowered its own credit limit. There are a record number of people without jobs, living on unemployment through one fruitless job search after another. This, like in all drama, is where the hero shows up.
Our Hero enters the stage like a lightning bolt. He starts out as a community organizer, quickly moving to state senator, U.S.A. Senator, and then comes on stage with a speech about Hope, and about change. He starts his campaign, rallying everyone behind him with hopes and promises. Ending the war, bringing the troops home, creating jobs to end the financial drought.
Remember near the end of the movie, when Toto pulls away the curtain to reveal the old man, stammering at his sudden vulnerability, and suddenly seeming so much less likely to be able to cash in on his promises? Well, the time has come. After this term, being mostly over at this point, we should see now that none of these hopes and changes have been the kind we need. Trusting the candidate without experience, we gave this man his presidency without making him take the time to let the weight of responsibility really sink in, and learn the difference between what America WANTS and what she NEEDS.
With re-election right around the corner, the President has a lot of explaining to do, or better yet, more promises to KEEP. These aren't things he'll be able to read off of the teleprompter. These aren't apologies for the American peace of mind. These won't be accomplished by hiding behind a wall of curtains. In case anyone was wondering what we deserve to have made up to us, here's a short list of examples.
- The healthcare reform law that was supposed to reduce the healthcare premiums, but has done the opposite. Even for the people that initially supported it.
- Allowing a leak of information stating that we were spying on the UN Secretary General. It is becoming increasingly apparent that virtually nobody in the Obama administration or in Hillary Clinton's State Department has much of a clue about foreign policy.
- Two year wage freeze on the federal worker salaries. No details needed here. That's about two million mistakes in one shot.
- Allowing the TSA access to your personal..."information", usually in the form of photographs with a magic camera that can see through your clothes, and DOESN'T erase the pics like it was supposed to. (Yes, a few hundred of those have leaked as well.)
- The Dream Act... In short, the legislation would permit young people to become U.S. residents after spending two years in college or the military. It would apply to immigrants who were under 16 when they arrived in the U.S., have been in the country at least five years and have a diploma from a U.S. high school or the equivalent. Already no jobs, but hey, we can use a few million more people riding the unemployment wagon. Why not?
- Most Americans are tired of wasting hundreds of billions of dollars and precious American lives trying to "help" in the middle east. But instead of ending our occupation, and bringing our men and women home, he's actually made things worse, and further escalated the war.
- The Bailout... Not saying anything else, so that the blog remains family friendly.
Yes, we voted for change, Yes, we bought the story from the charismatic wizard on the stage... but now that the curtain is off to the side, and the truth is standing there before us, I personally, have been greatly disappointed. The only change that I now desire is change in leadership. Let's all just hope that we don't follow our traditional penchant for sending another idiot in his place.
For the record: I have no personal issues with our president, but he has made decisions that have demonstrated his leadership ability, or lack thereof. Next time, put a businessman in the whitehouse, and tell him that this is to keep his "company" from going further into the red. If it is even possible at this point, I would like to see some kind of profit in the future. Be careful though, make sure this guy puts it in writing that all of his proposals aren't outsourced.
Amen, well said!!
Our next important goal is to be at the voting poll's on Election Day, so we can be sure and cast our 'two cent's' worth of voice..which I will surely be there to cast mine. As I prepare for the upcoming election's I hope to walk in 'well informed' before I cast my 'voice' that day..I don't listen to everyone else's choice, I can only choose for myself who I think is 'better qualified' to do for America what it needs to have done in order for us to once again prosper.
There are two things in Life I choose not to argue about..#1. Religion and #2. Politics.
Each one had to be found and accepted by each individual, from within his own understanding and acceptance.
Don't walk in front of me, I am not a follower; Don't walk behind me, I am not a leader;
I had much rather you walk beside me, so we can each have a trusting companion with whom we share brotherly love, respect,
compassion, strength and encouragement to keep on walking..
It is not until we reach the working age in life that we first realize just how important having a 'voice' in our government is..that is the first time you see, first hand, how the government is 'taking more than their fair share' from your hard earned paycheck..combine that with the first time you have to file Taxes at the end of your work year, and you soon get a closer look at how the government has a voice in your life with the laws that are in place, even when you didn't realize it..
As for our future, those plans have already made, but it's our responsibility to give it the best we have to offer as we walk thru.
We must learn from our mistakes and move on, not sit in the midst of them and allow life to pass us by..Thus we must learn from the mistakes of our leaders too, and prayerfully encourage other's not to make the same ones again. America is a country that has always believed in the term "Pay Forward". They have always extended a helping hand to other's, but they have not until these last few years, sacrificed the needs of their own people to do it...Now it's time to step back and re-evaluate before we continue on this road to self destruction that we're currently on..
If we are to remain a strong country, we have to heal the wrongs the government has created; we have to find a way to bring back the magnitude of Industry that we've moved oversea's and to Mexico..Or, better yet, we have to create a new source of survival in another area..we are still a country well known for making great successes from a single individuals 'brain storming idea'..I still believe in the individual who steps out to create a new idea that will make the world a better place for all..Dare to do what the world see's as an impossible is those kind of idea's that has made us who we are today!
Dare to be Different and not conform to old ideal's..
In order to heal the wrongs you first have to identify and list them..look at the ones that have pushed us back, rather than forward..what would you have done differently?
What words of interest and encouragement can you offer people that will make them want to bring the corporations back to America again?
Remember this..
We can always learn from mistakes, but not without being willing to try again. Use mistakes as bridges, not chains..
Identify, Document, Brain Storm and move forward. This is how you grow and create a better tomorrow.
God gives us the ability, it is up to us to use it wisely.
Sent with love and prayer's for a brighter future for America, mawmaw
and regarding the Wizard of Oz, I have my Red Shoe's, do you have your's? I have clicked my heel's before, and I can click them again, if the need call's for it..:o)
Thanks for leaving a comment! This is the first time I've had time to respond to one, so I'll try to make it good.
You're right about it being a personal choice/responsibility about which stance to take when it comes time to vote again, and that we do need to do SOMETHING. I feel that there are almost too many things to take into consideration, this time around. Should we focus on the jobs that we need? Should we focus on the environment that we need to protect? Should we focus on paying off old debts to other countries, and trying to buy our land back from China?
Maybe, with the right ideas, and the right people behind it all we could do all of the above. Green energy (solar power, wind energy, hydroelectric systems, etc.) has been on the border of reality for a while, and has always had some supporters. Requiring a small percent of each state's energy to be produced in one of these ways in "x" years would be a great place to start. It would generate jobs for the people building the "plants". It would help the environment by cutting down on our carbon footprint. It would lessen our dependence on foreign oils (to some small extent)...
If we took this idea, and gradually stepped it up into something useful, we may actually eventually do the impossible, and tell the middle east that we don't need their oil, start exporting our energy to Canada, Mexico, and maybe South America, and earning the money back to pay off this mountain of debt.
Who knows? I would support this idea, because it addresses issues that concern me. With the right mindset, the American people can be convinced to stand up and actually WORK for change again. All it would really need is a good idea, a great leader, and the will to fight for the change that everyone says they want, instead of sit there, and expect it to be delivered.
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